And there will. I get EXTREMELY uncomfortable when I see another girl hug my boyfriend. Oh my goodness, it's not even explainable. You're standing there awkwardly, and then without knowing it, all of these thoughts and assumptions flow through your head. Does he like her? He liked her before didn't he? Is he going to break up with me? Or, when your best friend is texting him. He's talking to her way more than he's talking to me. He likes her, or liked her I don't know. He just used a winky face. OMG. Kill me now, he likes her. BUT, the thing is, they're just thoughts and assumptions. I overreact, I guess, to things. It's a natural occurrence that happens to me. I assume things too much, and I'm a girl. I get jealous. That's one thing my boyfriend doesn't like about me; the fact that I assume things way too much. I'm trying to fix this habit but when theres a pretty girl, and an amazing hot guy...you're bound to think something. But, I'm just letting it go. Okay, sure I might feel like shit sometimes but you have to trust your boyfriend. If he says there's no one else, then trust him no matter how much it bugs you.
Until next time,
Can you plzz do a post about how to get guyz to like you and stuff and how to know ifff they like you and everythin like that?!?????????????